Authors :
Yanne Carolina Sitinjak; Lin Oktris
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
This study was conducted to test Th effect
Fraud Pentagon and Dishonest Behavior towards
Academic Dishonesty during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Gender as a Control Variable (Case Study of Accounting
Student of XYZ University). This study used 153 samples
from Accounting Students University XYZ bags. The
sample master penentechnique uses the convenience
sampling method. Hypothesis testing in this study used
PLS-SEM Data Analysis with the PLS3.2.9 S mart
program and a significance level of 5%. The results of
the study are Pressure, Opportunity, Rationalization,
Ability has a positive and significant effect on Academic
Dishonesty, Arrogance has a negative and significant
effect on Academic Dishonesty, Dishonesty Behavior has
a positive and significant effect on Academic Dishonesty.
Gender was found to have no effect on Academic
Dishonesty, the absence of gender influence in Academic
Keywords :
Fraud Pentagon, Dishonesty Dishonesty Behavior, Gender, Acedemic Dishonesty.
This study was conducted to test Th effect
Fraud Pentagon and Dishonest Behavior towards
Academic Dishonesty during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Gender as a Control Variable (Case Study of Accounting
Student of XYZ University). This study used 153 samples
from Accounting Students University XYZ bags. The
sample master penentechnique uses the convenience
sampling method. Hypothesis testing in this study used
PLS-SEM Data Analysis with the PLS3.2.9 S mart
program and a significance level of 5%. The results of
the study are Pressure, Opportunity, Rationalization,
Ability has a positive and significant effect on Academic
Dishonesty, Arrogance has a negative and significant
effect on Academic Dishonesty, Dishonesty Behavior has
a positive and significant effect on Academic Dishonesty.
Gender was found to have no effect on Academic
Dishonesty, the absence of gender influence in Academic
Keywords :
Fraud Pentagon, Dishonesty Dishonesty Behavior, Gender, Acedemic Dishonesty.