The Effect of the Employee Information System Implementation on User Satisfaction Mediated by Internet Facilities at PT Kemajuan Industrindo Malang

Authors : Yeremia Victor Rondonuwu; Syarif Hidayatullah; Nanik Sisharini

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This study aims to describe the implementation of the personnel information system at PT Kemajuan Industrindo, analyze the effect of the implementation of the personnel information system on user satisfaction of PT Kemajuan Industrindo, and analyze the effect of the implementation of the personnel information system on user satisfaction mediated by internet facilities at PT Kemajuan Industrindo. The sample in this study was 67 respondents as employees who worked at PT Kemajuan Industrindo. This study is using a path analysis technique. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of the personnel information system affects user satisfaction, this means that the implementation of a staffing information system that is getting better and developing will have an impact on the satisfaction of information system users. Internet facilities can mediate between the implementation of staffing information systems to the satisfaction of information system users, this means that with the implementation of information systems implanted in internet facilities getting better and the development of internet facilities, it will have an impact on information system user satisfaction. And The implementation of staffing information systems to user satisfaction mediated by internet facilities has a dominant influence on the satisfaction of information system users.

Keywords : Implementation of Personnel Information System, Internet Facilities, User Satisfaction.

This study aims to describe the implementation of the personnel information system at PT Kemajuan Industrindo, analyze the effect of the implementation of the personnel information system on user satisfaction of PT Kemajuan Industrindo, and analyze the effect of the implementation of the personnel information system on user satisfaction mediated by internet facilities at PT Kemajuan Industrindo. The sample in this study was 67 respondents as employees who worked at PT Kemajuan Industrindo. This study is using a path analysis technique. The results of the analysis show that the implementation of the personnel information system affects user satisfaction, this means that the implementation of a staffing information system that is getting better and developing will have an impact on the satisfaction of information system users. Internet facilities can mediate between the implementation of staffing information systems to the satisfaction of information system users, this means that with the implementation of information systems implanted in internet facilities getting better and the development of internet facilities, it will have an impact on information system user satisfaction. And The implementation of staffing information systems to user satisfaction mediated by internet facilities has a dominant influence on the satisfaction of information system users.

Keywords : Implementation of Personnel Information System, Internet Facilities, User Satisfaction.

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