Authors :
Dheni Hardiyanto; Andam Dewi Syarif
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to analyze the
effect of PER, DER, Firm’s Age, Firm’s Size, Gross
Proceeds and Public Float with Initial Return as an
intervening variable on the long-run performance of
stocks after the IPO. The population in this study
amounted to 372 stock issuers. The sample data used in
this study is secondary data in the IPO period from 2018
to 2022 consisting of 155 stock issuers taken using the
purposive method. The regression analysis used in this
study is multiple linear regression to reveal the direct
effect while to reveal the indirect effect through the
intervening variable using the Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap
Test. From the results of the tests carried out, it was
found that DER and Gross Proceeds had a direct effect
on the long-run performance of stocks after the IPO while
other dependent variables had no effect. In addition, from
the results of the Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap test that had
been carried out, no indirect effect was found on the
independent variable through the intervening variable on
the dependent variable.
Keywords :
Initial Return, Long-Run Performance of Stocks after the IPO, DER, Gross Proceeds, Firm’s Age, Firm’s Size, Public Float, Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap Test.
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the
effect of PER, DER, Firm’s Age, Firm’s Size, Gross
Proceeds and Public Float with Initial Return as an
intervening variable on the long-run performance of
stocks after the IPO. The population in this study
amounted to 372 stock issuers. The sample data used in
this study is secondary data in the IPO period from 2018
to 2022 consisting of 155 stock issuers taken using the
purposive method. The regression analysis used in this
study is multiple linear regression to reveal the direct
effect while to reveal the indirect effect through the
intervening variable using the Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap
Test. From the results of the tests carried out, it was
found that DER and Gross Proceeds had a direct effect
on the long-run performance of stocks after the IPO while
other dependent variables had no effect. In addition, from
the results of the Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap test that had
been carried out, no indirect effect was found on the
independent variable through the intervening variable on
the dependent variable.
Keywords :
Initial Return, Long-Run Performance of Stocks after the IPO, DER, Gross Proceeds, Firm’s Age, Firm’s Size, Public Float, Preacher-Hayes Bootstrap Test.