The Effect of Leadership Style, Work Motivation, Organizational Culture on Employee Performance in Public Health Centers Subdistrict Kalideres

Authors : Devi Mayasari; Charles Bohlen Purba

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/JISRT20AUG721

Abstract : Thisxstudyxaims to measure the leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation andxorganization on thexemployeex performance of the Public health centers sub-district kalideres. Thisxresearch is quantitative. Thexpopulation is all employees. The sampling technique was usingxnonrandomxsampling, namely saturated samples with a total of 126 employees. The researchxdata were analyzedxusing multiplexlinearxregression. The resultsxof the t-test for the variable leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation and organizationxculture are partially positive and significant towards employeexperformance. The resultsxof the F-test for the variables of leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation and organizationalxculture are simultaneously significant on employeexperformance. Suggestions for furtherxresearch are to include other factors that have a strong influence in shaping employee performance.

Keywords : LeadershipxStyle, WorkxMotivation, OrganizationalxCulture, Employee Performance

Thisxstudyxaims to measure the leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation andxorganization on thexemployeex performance of the Public health centers sub-district kalideres. Thisxresearch is quantitative. Thexpopulation is all employees. The sampling technique was usingxnonrandomxsampling, namely saturated samples with a total of 126 employees. The researchxdata were analyzedxusing multiplexlinearxregression. The resultsxof the t-test for the variable leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation and organizationxculture are partially positive and significant towards employeexperformance. The resultsxof the F-test for the variables of leadershipxstyle, workxmotivation and organizationalxculture are simultaneously significant on employeexperformance. Suggestions for furtherxresearch are to include other factors that have a strong influence in shaping employee performance.

Keywords : LeadershipxStyle, WorkxMotivation, OrganizationalxCulture, Employee Performance

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