Authors :
Siska Sakti Anggraini, Rahmi Fahmy, Dewi Murni, Rika Fatmadona.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
The nurse has Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) that greatly needed because OCB involves some behavior, for example behavior helping others, active in activities organization, act that appropriate with procedure and give service to everyone. The aims of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction as mediating variables on nurses implementing in RSUD Pariaman. The sample in this study were 54 nurses implementers. In Choosing the sample in this research used Total Sampling technique. There is a significant influence and positive between variable satisfaction work against OCB (t-statistical test of 5.49). It was expected that nurses at RSUD Pariaman can improve OCB which has been running. OCB owned by nurses and should not be forced, it should grow with their own conscience, it can arise when fellow nurses have strong bound, a good sense of tolerance and low conflicts within the organization. It is expected that the head of the room can change the way the nurse’s work to be better by establishing good cooperation and communication to their subordinates and motivating them so that the nurses will be satisfied with the work done.
Keywords :
Job Satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior.
The nurse has Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) that greatly needed because OCB involves some behavior, for example behavior helping others, active in activities organization, act that appropriate with procedure and give service to everyone. The aims of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior and job satisfaction as mediating variables on nurses implementing in RSUD Pariaman. The sample in this study were 54 nurses implementers. In Choosing the sample in this research used Total Sampling technique. There is a significant influence and positive between variable satisfaction work against OCB (t-statistical test of 5.49). It was expected that nurses at RSUD Pariaman can improve OCB which has been running. OCB owned by nurses and should not be forced, it should grow with their own conscience, it can arise when fellow nurses have strong bound, a good sense of tolerance and low conflicts within the organization. It is expected that the head of the room can change the way the nurse’s work to be better by establishing good cooperation and communication to their subordinates and motivating them so that the nurses will be satisfied with the work done.
Keywords :
Job Satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior.