Authors :
Bajongga Silaban; Hasrat Gari
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
This research aims to determine the effect
of cooperative learning model with two stay two stray
type in students learning outcomes of 7 th grade students
of state junior high school 1 Onolalu. The type of this
research is a quasi experimental study with the
population of this study, namely all 7 th grade students
state junior high school 1 Onolalu. The sample of this
research consisted of two classes that were directly
selected, namely 7
-A gradeas aexperiment class and 7
B as a control class. The research instrument used are
tes of student’s learning outcomesof multiple choiceand
student’s activity sheet.
The research instrument used to measure students'
abilities was in the form of multiple choice and student
activities during the learning process were
observedalternately per group.Content validity were
used to determine the instrument's validity, and the testretest technique was used to verify the instrument's
reliability. Using Pearson's product moment correlation
analysis, a reliability coefficient as many as0.76 was
Based on the results of the research, it was obtained
thataverage score of the post-test in experimental class is
73.75 with standard deviation (s) is 9.92 and after given
the treatment, the average score of the posttest in control
class is 62.39 with standard deviation (s) is 10.54.
According to the observation of the student activities
carried out for 3 meetings, student activity is quite
Based on the results of one tail t-test for post-test data in
experimental class and control class for probability 0.05
obtained significant 0.02 as than less 0.05. Therefore,
Ho is rejected and the otherwise Ha is accepted. Based on
the results of this research, it can be concluded that the
cooperative learning model with two stay two stray type
affected tostudent’s learning outcomes of 7 th grade state
junior high school 1 Onolalu
Keywords :
Cooperative Learning Model, Two Stay Two Stray Type,Students’ Learning Outcomes.
This research aims to determine the effect
of cooperative learning model with two stay two stray
type in students learning outcomes of 7 th grade students
of state junior high school 1 Onolalu. The type of this
research is a quasi experimental study with the
population of this study, namely all 7 th grade students
state junior high school 1 Onolalu. The sample of this
research consisted of two classes that were directly
selected, namely 7
-A gradeas aexperiment class and 7
B as a control class. The research instrument used are
tes of student’s learning outcomesof multiple choiceand
student’s activity sheet.
The research instrument used to measure students'
abilities was in the form of multiple choice and student
activities during the learning process were
observedalternately per group.Content validity were
used to determine the instrument's validity, and the testretest technique was used to verify the instrument's
reliability. Using Pearson's product moment correlation
analysis, a reliability coefficient as many as0.76 was
Based on the results of the research, it was obtained
thataverage score of the post-test in experimental class is
73.75 with standard deviation (s) is 9.92 and after given
the treatment, the average score of the posttest in control
class is 62.39 with standard deviation (s) is 10.54.
According to the observation of the student activities
carried out for 3 meetings, student activity is quite
Based on the results of one tail t-test for post-test data in
experimental class and control class for probability 0.05
obtained significant 0.02 as than less 0.05. Therefore,
Ho is rejected and the otherwise Ha is accepted. Based on
the results of this research, it can be concluded that the
cooperative learning model with two stay two stray type
affected tostudent’s learning outcomes of 7 th grade state
junior high school 1 Onolalu
Keywords :
Cooperative Learning Model, Two Stay Two Stray Type,Students’ Learning Outcomes.