The Correlation between Lecturer’s Performance and the Motivation of Students in Learning English Subject

Authors : Suharyanto H. Soro.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The objective of this research was to identify the correlation between lecturer’s performance and students’ motivation in learning English subject. Performance can be defines as an one’s ability to applicate his or her competence in form of real action. In this context, the real performance due to English teaching learning process in the classroom. The researcher used classroom observation and questionnaire for data collection. The data to be observed were students’ attention toward their assignment, come or attend on time and response the material presented by the lecturer in the classroom, the ways of presenting paper or discussion, body language and use of voice. In linguistics study, performance and competence are different, competence is study about language rules in the abstract form or one’s capacity to use a language, while performance is the application of one’s ability in the concrete form, or the actual application of this competence in speaking or listening.

The objective of this research was to identify the correlation between lecturer’s performance and students’ motivation in learning English subject. Performance can be defines as an one’s ability to applicate his or her competence in form of real action. In this context, the real performance due to English teaching learning process in the classroom. The researcher used classroom observation and questionnaire for data collection. The data to be observed were students’ attention toward their assignment, come or attend on time and response the material presented by the lecturer in the classroom, the ways of presenting paper or discussion, body language and use of voice. In linguistics study, performance and competence are different, competence is study about language rules in the abstract form or one’s capacity to use a language, while performance is the application of one’s ability in the concrete form, or the actual application of this competence in speaking or listening.

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