The Association for Wave Peak Time and SYNTAX Scores to Assess Severity of Coronary Lesions on Non-St Segment Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients in Adam Malik Hospital Medan

Authors : Cut Keumala Putri; Harris Hassan; Hilfan Ade Putra Lubis; Zulfikri Mukhtar; AnggiaChairuddin Lubis; Andika Sitepu

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Introduction: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a major cardiovascular problem causes high hospitalization rates and high mortality rates. NSTEMI is a type ACS, due to the complexity of coronary lesion NSTEMIhas a high mortality rate, so we need to determine the risk stratification when the time is right for revascularization.Electrocardiography (ECG) can detect cardiac abnormalities such as ST-depression or T- inversion to diagnose NSTEMI and can also measure the peak time of the R wave from the ECG. The severity of myocardial infarction obtained from coronary angiography can be calculated using the SYNTAX(SYNergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with TAXus and cardiac surgery)score. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the peak time of the R wave and the SYNTAX score in NSTEMI patient

Keywords : NSTEMI, R wave peak time, lesion of coronary artery ,SYNTAX score.

Introduction: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a major cardiovascular problem causes high hospitalization rates and high mortality rates. NSTEMI is a type ACS, due to the complexity of coronary lesion NSTEMIhas a high mortality rate, so we need to determine the risk stratification when the time is right for revascularization.Electrocardiography (ECG) can detect cardiac abnormalities such as ST-depression or T- inversion to diagnose NSTEMI and can also measure the peak time of the R wave from the ECG. The severity of myocardial infarction obtained from coronary angiography can be calculated using the SYNTAX(SYNergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with TAXus and cardiac surgery)score. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the peak time of the R wave and the SYNTAX score in NSTEMI patient

Keywords : NSTEMI, R wave peak time, lesion of coronary artery ,SYNTAX score.

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