Authors :
Agus Priyono Jendro.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause community participation in making infiltration wells to overcome rainwater inundation. Data is collected using interview techniques and document review. The informants included community members, village heads, community leaders (RT/RW heads) and Administrators of the Indonesian Water Society (MAI). The results of the study show that from a community perspective there are internal causes (understanding, perception, awareness, mindset/mindset, attitudes of community behavior, willingness, ability and community compliance with obligations) and external factors (socialization / counseling from the government regional government, respect for community compliance, environmental conditions, community impacts, natural (upland / low) perspective, physical condition of house/place of residence, imposition of administrative sanctions and enforcement of laws/regulations on community violations) in making infiltration wells.
Keywords :
Puddles, Participation, Infiltration Wells.
This study aims to analyze the factors that cause community participation in making infiltration wells to overcome rainwater inundation. Data is collected using interview techniques and document review. The informants included community members, village heads, community leaders (RT/RW heads) and Administrators of the Indonesian Water Society (MAI). The results of the study show that from a community perspective there are internal causes (understanding, perception, awareness, mindset/mindset, attitudes of community behavior, willingness, ability and community compliance with obligations) and external factors (socialization / counseling from the government regional government, respect for community compliance, environmental conditions, community impacts, natural (upland / low) perspective, physical condition of house/place of residence, imposition of administrative sanctions and enforcement of laws/regulations on community violations) in making infiltration wells.
Keywords :
Puddles, Participation, Infiltration Wells.