Tenofovir Induced Bilateral Femoral Neck Stress Fracture

Authors : Sourabh N Chiplunkar; Harsharaj K

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL972

Abstract : Case: A 47 year old male, came with history of bilateral hip pain ,insidious in onset gradually progressive, with difficulty in walking unassisted since 2 years. No history of fall/ trauma. Patient is known case of retroviral disease and on ART (TLE regimen ) since 2 years. Relevant radiographs were done and was diagnosed with bilateral neck of femur stress fracture (Tenofovir induced) associated with hypophosphatemia. ART regimen was changed to (Abacavir ,Lamivudine , Dolutegravir) . Patient on regular follow up every 2 months with serial radiographs. . On 6 months follow up patient is symptomatically improved with healing bilateral neck of femur stress fracture.

Keywords : Tenofovir, Stress Fracture , ART.

References :

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Case: A 47 year old male, came with history of bilateral hip pain ,insidious in onset gradually progressive, with difficulty in walking unassisted since 2 years. No history of fall/ trauma. Patient is known case of retroviral disease and on ART (TLE regimen ) since 2 years. Relevant radiographs were done and was diagnosed with bilateral neck of femur stress fracture (Tenofovir induced) associated with hypophosphatemia. ART regimen was changed to (Abacavir ,Lamivudine , Dolutegravir) . Patient on regular follow up every 2 months with serial radiographs. . On 6 months follow up patient is symptomatically improved with healing bilateral neck of femur stress fracture.

Keywords : Tenofovir, Stress Fracture , ART.

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