Authors :
Adenekan, Tolulope Elizabeth; Jimoh, Tajudeen Adisa
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Employees’ performance is an important
factor in the achievement of short and long term goals,
success and growth of an organization. As a result of
the rapid development of various forms of new
information technology, modern enterprises and public
sector organisation are acquiring and adopting digital
tools and technological innovations for providing
services and meeting obligations. This study assessed
technological innovation and digital competence of
secretaries and their impact on job performance of the
secretaries in public tertiary institutions in Ogun State,
Nigeria. A survey of secretaries in public tertiary
institutions selected from the three senatorial districts in
the State was conducted. Data were collected with the
use of questionnaire and analysed with descriptive and
inferential statistics. The result indicated remarkable
level of technological innovations and digital competence
of secretaries in the surveyed institutions. It was found
that technological innovations and digital competence of
the secretaries have significant bearings on the
performance of the secretaries in the face of technologydriven office and secretarial functions. Thus, it was
concluded that effective and efficient functioning of
secretaries and office administrators requires the
availability of technological tools, adoption and use of
innovative technologies and essentially, the competence
and up-skilling of the secretaries for the ever-changing
secretarial functions, office methods, approaches and
tools. It is recommended, among others, that public
tertiary institutions in Ogun State and similar
organisations should make the acquisition and adoption
of technological innovation a policy and culture issue to
enhance the performance of their secretaries and
facilitate service delivery.
Keywords :
Digital competence, Job performance, Secretaries, Technological innovation.
Employees’ performance is an important
factor in the achievement of short and long term goals,
success and growth of an organization. As a result of
the rapid development of various forms of new
information technology, modern enterprises and public
sector organisation are acquiring and adopting digital
tools and technological innovations for providing
services and meeting obligations. This study assessed
technological innovation and digital competence of
secretaries and their impact on job performance of the
secretaries in public tertiary institutions in Ogun State,
Nigeria. A survey of secretaries in public tertiary
institutions selected from the three senatorial districts in
the State was conducted. Data were collected with the
use of questionnaire and analysed with descriptive and
inferential statistics. The result indicated remarkable
level of technological innovations and digital competence
of secretaries in the surveyed institutions. It was found
that technological innovations and digital competence of
the secretaries have significant bearings on the
performance of the secretaries in the face of technologydriven office and secretarial functions. Thus, it was
concluded that effective and efficient functioning of
secretaries and office administrators requires the
availability of technological tools, adoption and use of
innovative technologies and essentially, the competence
and up-skilling of the secretaries for the ever-changing
secretarial functions, office methods, approaches and
tools. It is recommended, among others, that public
tertiary institutions in Ogun State and similar
organisations should make the acquisition and adoption
of technological innovation a policy and culture issue to
enhance the performance of their secretaries and
facilitate service delivery.
Keywords :
Digital competence, Job performance, Secretaries, Technological innovation.