Authors :
Flor Ivett Reyes Guillén; Orlando Uriel Bravo Argüello; Socorro Fonseca Córdoba
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
This article shows the results of an
investigation carried out in Chiapas, Mexico, a state with
high marginalization and with a population living in
poverty and extreme poverty. The context is necessary
given that the main objective was to know the digital
competences of teachers at the upper secondary and
higher levels. It was at the beginning of this century (XXI)
when a new line of work emerged in the training field,
aimed at incorporating ICTs in educational systems
through even new curricular designs. Teachers were
expected to be prepared, but two decades later there is a
reality where the basic level of knowledge about ICT
management is insufficient.
Keywords :
Digital Skills, Education, High School, And University Professor.
This article shows the results of an
investigation carried out in Chiapas, Mexico, a state with
high marginalization and with a population living in
poverty and extreme poverty. The context is necessary
given that the main objective was to know the digital
competences of teachers at the upper secondary and
higher levels. It was at the beginning of this century (XXI)
when a new line of work emerged in the training field,
aimed at incorporating ICTs in educational systems
through even new curricular designs. Teachers were
expected to be prepared, but two decades later there is a
reality where the basic level of knowledge about ICT
management is insufficient.
Keywords :
Digital Skills, Education, High School, And University Professor.