Authors :
Paul Alela Oguta, Kennedy Nyambeche Getange, Stella Juma.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Education is a fundamental human right which promotes acquisition of knowledge, skills which spurs development. Despite efforts by policy makers, administrators, teachers and learners to improve learner achievement, performance remains poor (MOEST, 2012).The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of teacher supervision on academic performance in secondary school education in Migori county, KenyaThe study adopted concurrent triangulation research design. The target population for this study was 184public secondary schools, 1233 teachers, and 73,385 learners. Sample involving56 public secondary schools whereby 56 principals, 370 teachers and 398 learners were drawn from target population.
Keywords :
Teacher Supervision, Academic Achievement, Secondary Education
Education is a fundamental human right which promotes acquisition of knowledge, skills which spurs development. Despite efforts by policy makers, administrators, teachers and learners to improve learner achievement, performance remains poor (MOEST, 2012).The purpose of this study was to establish the influence of teacher supervision on academic performance in secondary school education in Migori county, KenyaThe study adopted concurrent triangulation research design. The target population for this study was 184public secondary schools, 1233 teachers, and 73,385 learners. Sample involving56 public secondary schools whereby 56 principals, 370 teachers and 398 learners were drawn from target population.
Keywords :
Teacher Supervision, Academic Achievement, Secondary Education