Synthesis and Chrachtristion of Co3O4 Nanomaterial and Study There Application Antimicrobial Activity and Photocatalytic Degradation Studies

Authors : Roshan Madhukar Kolhe.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The method dye by using Co3O4 nanopartical technique Co3O4 nanopartical photocatalytical degradation studies where carried out the Rosaline Dihydrocloride dye use Co3O4 nano partical . In aquese parameter pH adsouerber optimize the density also find out this component.

The method dye by using Co3O4 nanopartical technique Co3O4 nanopartical photocatalytical degradation studies where carried out the Rosaline Dihydrocloride dye use Co3O4 nano partical . In aquese parameter pH adsouerber optimize the density also find out this component.

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