Authors :
Desta PromesetiyoBomo; Dr-Ing. Ir. UrasSiahaan; Dr. Ir. Charles O.P. Marpaung
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Development is a process of change for the
better. Development must also pay attention to the
important things that support each of the development
process itself. The problem that arises in development in
general is that there are aspects that are disadvantaged.
With the rate of population growth and the increase in
human needs, development can have an impact on the
environment being sacrificed as a result of fulfilling
human needs while between humans and the environment
there is a reciprocal relationship. One of the problems in
development is that there are no child-friendly and
elderly-friendly cities (age-friendly cities) as a whole in
the regions of each province in Indonesia. For this reason,
this research was conducted to examine the sustainable
environment for age-friendly cities, especially in the
islands by taking the case study of Tidung Island, the
Thousand Islands. Based on the results of research
conducted on Tidung Island, it is proven that Tidung
Island still cannot be said to be an age-friendly city, this
can be proven by the incomplete facilities that support the
realization of an age-friendly city.
Keywords :
Age Friendly City, Tidung Island, Sustainable Environment, Child Friendly City.
Development is a process of change for the
better. Development must also pay attention to the
important things that support each of the development
process itself. The problem that arises in development in
general is that there are aspects that are disadvantaged.
With the rate of population growth and the increase in
human needs, development can have an impact on the
environment being sacrificed as a result of fulfilling
human needs while between humans and the environment
there is a reciprocal relationship. One of the problems in
development is that there are no child-friendly and
elderly-friendly cities (age-friendly cities) as a whole in
the regions of each province in Indonesia. For this reason,
this research was conducted to examine the sustainable
environment for age-friendly cities, especially in the
islands by taking the case study of Tidung Island, the
Thousand Islands. Based on the results of research
conducted on Tidung Island, it is proven that Tidung
Island still cannot be said to be an age-friendly city, this
can be proven by the incomplete facilities that support the
realization of an age-friendly city.
Keywords :
Age Friendly City, Tidung Island, Sustainable Environment, Child Friendly City.