Authors :
Mira Handayani; Azhar; Irfan Zikri
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The community food barn aims to bring closer
access to food for its members and maintain supply
stability and grain prices through storage that allows
sales to be postponed until farmers receive better prices.
This research aims to analyze the level of sustainability of
community food storage management in Aceh Besar
Regency and identify the factors that influence it. The
focus of this research is on four community food barn in
three sub-districts, namely (1) Suka Makmur community
food barn Harapan Maju, (2) Lhoong community food
barn Bersama Sadar, and (3) Kutabaro community food
barn Lagang Jaya and community food barn Makmu
Beusaree. The purposive sampling method was used to
select research locations, while samples were taken using
simple random sampling from members of the
community food barn group, totaling 144 farmers. The
research results showed that Harapan Maju was declared
unsustainable in the ecological dimension (value 35.89)
due to minimal use of straw waste and high use of
chemical pesticide fertilizers. In the economic dimension,
Harapan Maju (score 46.31) and Bersama Sadar (score
47.85) are also unsustainable due to suboptimal facilities
and limited markets. In contrast, Makmu Beusare (score
57.2) and Lagang Jaya (54.03) are quite sustainable with
good financial viability and facilities. In the social
dimension, Makmu Beusaree (score of 66.50) and Lagang
Jaya (60.92) have high member participation and good
community development, while Harapan Maju (score
28.65) and Bersama Sadar (49.60) unsustainable due to
lack of community participation and commitment.
Factors that influence the sustainability of community
food barn management include Environmental Impact
Analysis, Environmental Management Efforts,
Environmental Monitoring Efforts, soil and water
quality, farmer income, government subsidies, as well as
social sustainability that depends on food access,
community participation, and local economic
empowerment. Community food barn plays an important
role in strengthening community capacity and
participation, as well as improving the quality of life
through education, health and decent work.
Keywords :
Community Food Barn, Sustainability, Local Economic Empowerment.
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The community food barn aims to bring closer
access to food for its members and maintain supply
stability and grain prices through storage that allows
sales to be postponed until farmers receive better prices.
This research aims to analyze the level of sustainability of
community food storage management in Aceh Besar
Regency and identify the factors that influence it. The
focus of this research is on four community food barn in
three sub-districts, namely (1) Suka Makmur community
food barn Harapan Maju, (2) Lhoong community food
barn Bersama Sadar, and (3) Kutabaro community food
barn Lagang Jaya and community food barn Makmu
Beusaree. The purposive sampling method was used to
select research locations, while samples were taken using
simple random sampling from members of the
community food barn group, totaling 144 farmers. The
research results showed that Harapan Maju was declared
unsustainable in the ecological dimension (value 35.89)
due to minimal use of straw waste and high use of
chemical pesticide fertilizers. In the economic dimension,
Harapan Maju (score 46.31) and Bersama Sadar (score
47.85) are also unsustainable due to suboptimal facilities
and limited markets. In contrast, Makmu Beusare (score
57.2) and Lagang Jaya (54.03) are quite sustainable with
good financial viability and facilities. In the social
dimension, Makmu Beusaree (score of 66.50) and Lagang
Jaya (60.92) have high member participation and good
community development, while Harapan Maju (score
28.65) and Bersama Sadar (49.60) unsustainable due to
lack of community participation and commitment.
Factors that influence the sustainability of community
food barn management include Environmental Impact
Analysis, Environmental Management Efforts,
Environmental Monitoring Efforts, soil and water
quality, farmer income, government subsidies, as well as
social sustainability that depends on food access,
community participation, and local economic
empowerment. Community food barn plays an important
role in strengthening community capacity and
participation, as well as improving the quality of life
through education, health and decent work.
Keywords :
Community Food Barn, Sustainability, Local Economic Empowerment.