Authors :
J Blessy gifta, N E Janani, A Monica Cathrin, Minju P George.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
Ambulance is the lifesaver during many of the emergency cases. The present ambulance routing routing strategy is not effective because the ambulances are present in the base location(Hospitals, toll gate, etc.) and when the request is made, they move to the patient’s place gives the first aid and move them to the hospital. This paper property on the different strategies proposed to make the ambulances to work more efficiently and also discusses about traffic clearance.
Keywords :
Ambulance, GPS Based Tracking, Restful API, RFID, Density Based Clustering, Intelligent Accident Detection.
Ambulance is the lifesaver during many of the emergency cases. The present ambulance routing routing strategy is not effective because the ambulances are present in the base location(Hospitals, toll gate, etc.) and when the request is made, they move to the patient’s place gives the first aid and move them to the hospital. This paper property on the different strategies proposed to make the ambulances to work more efficiently and also discusses about traffic clearance.
Keywords :
Ambulance, GPS Based Tracking, Restful API, RFID, Density Based Clustering, Intelligent Accident Detection.