Survey on Software Defined Network based Botnet Attacks

Authors : Rajni Samta; Pooja Rani

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG647

Abstract : Software Defined Network has been a solution to those problems which have emerged with the advancement of social interconnection through internet, cloud computing and internet of things. Along with the speed and efficiency of any network, there are certain other parameters which are of great importance for an organization. These organizations are demanding more flexible networks which are dynamic enough to change or mould the network according to their needs. Software Defined Network breaks the barriers of traditional way of networking, where as it is cost efficient as it simplifies hardware and software management, any change in the software defined networks are easily adopted. This paper has discussed about a major security threat that has emerged in past few years called botnets and also has discussed related work regarding Software Defined Network based botnets

Keywords : Software Defined Networks, Botnets, zombie Networks, Command and Control(C&C), (P2P) Peer to peer Botnet, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Botnet, HTTP Botnet.

Software Defined Network has been a solution to those problems which have emerged with the advancement of social interconnection through internet, cloud computing and internet of things. Along with the speed and efficiency of any network, there are certain other parameters which are of great importance for an organization. These organizations are demanding more flexible networks which are dynamic enough to change or mould the network according to their needs. Software Defined Network breaks the barriers of traditional way of networking, where as it is cost efficient as it simplifies hardware and software management, any change in the software defined networks are easily adopted. This paper has discussed about a major security threat that has emerged in past few years called botnets and also has discussed related work regarding Software Defined Network based botnets

Keywords : Software Defined Networks, Botnets, zombie Networks, Command and Control(C&C), (P2P) Peer to peer Botnet, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Botnet, HTTP Botnet.

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