Authors :
Raksha S; Samhitha; Raipalle Shreyaa; Pranav M S
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
This Survey Paper entails detailed research on
all possible solutions for a crime witness to be able to
submit crime tips, while staying anonymous. In present
times, crimes are increasing at a high rate and so is the
technology which is used to tackle them. However, even to
this day, throughout the world, most people who witness
crimes don’t come forward to report them due to fear of
getting into unnecessary procedures and interrogations.
The aim of our project is to promote the social
responsibility of citizens to come forward and talk about
crimes they have witnessed, without having to fear
repercussions. Our application also aims at rewarding
these anonymous tip providers to increase their
participation. We are also making crime documentation
easy and cost effective by using decentralized means of
storage with the help of Blockchain. This not only keeps
information safe but also reduces cost on servers. In
addition to this, we are utilizing Machine Learning and
NLP to be able to auto categorize crimes along with
ensuring genuineness by checking for morphed image
submissions, thus reducing user’s effort. Apart from
being a user-friendly application, our platform is very
essential to Crime investigators, especially for undercover
agents who work on the basis of insider information. This
app helps in gaining clues and have prior knowledge of
extremely dangerous crimes like terror attacks or bomb
blasts which could pose national threats
This Survey Paper entails detailed research on
all possible solutions for a crime witness to be able to
submit crime tips, while staying anonymous. In present
times, crimes are increasing at a high rate and so is the
technology which is used to tackle them. However, even to
this day, throughout the world, most people who witness
crimes don’t come forward to report them due to fear of
getting into unnecessary procedures and interrogations.
The aim of our project is to promote the social
responsibility of citizens to come forward and talk about
crimes they have witnessed, without having to fear
repercussions. Our application also aims at rewarding
these anonymous tip providers to increase their
participation. We are also making crime documentation
easy and cost effective by using decentralized means of
storage with the help of Blockchain. This not only keeps
information safe but also reduces cost on servers. In
addition to this, we are utilizing Machine Learning and
NLP to be able to auto categorize crimes along with
ensuring genuineness by checking for morphed image
submissions, thus reducing user’s effort. Apart from
being a user-friendly application, our platform is very
essential to Crime investigators, especially for undercover
agents who work on the basis of insider information. This
app helps in gaining clues and have prior knowledge of
extremely dangerous crimes like terror attacks or bomb
blasts which could pose national threats