Authors :
A F M Nazmus Sadat; Afroza Sultana; Md. Atiqur Rahman; Debobrata Sharma; Md. Abir Khan; Md. Mahbobur Rahman Khan;
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder
associated with chronic hyperglycemia caused by
inherited or acquired deficiency of insulin production or
resistance to action of the produced insulin. In the
present study fresh leaves extracts of Azadirachta indica,
Bryophyllum pinnatum, Carica papayaand Mikania
cordatawere selected on the basis of traditional behavior
of local people for the treatment of diabetes in
Bangladesh. Crude extracts prepared by aqueous UAE
method was used in this study on hormone induced
diabetic mice by FPG Test. Most of the plants showed
marked anti-diabetic properties comparison to the
standard antidiabetic drug Glibenclamide.
Keywords :
Diabetes, Glucocorticoid, Dexamethasone, FPG, Ultrasound
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder
associated with chronic hyperglycemia caused by
inherited or acquired deficiency of insulin production or
resistance to action of the produced insulin. In the
present study fresh leaves extracts of Azadirachta indica,
Bryophyllum pinnatum, Carica papayaand Mikania
cordatawere selected on the basis of traditional behavior
of local people for the treatment of diabetes in
Bangladesh. Crude extracts prepared by aqueous UAE
method was used in this study on hormone induced
diabetic mice by FPG Test. Most of the plants showed
marked anti-diabetic properties comparison to the
standard antidiabetic drug Glibenclamide.
Keywords :
Diabetes, Glucocorticoid, Dexamethasone, FPG, Ultrasound