Authors :
Dr. Sagar Jaware , Dr. J.M. Gadekar , Dr.T.P.Junagade , Dr. S.T.Bhondave , Dr. Arvind Kumar Prabhat
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
Background: One of the main obstacles in thyroid surgery is vocal cord paresis or paralysis due to iatrogenic injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). The incidence of recurrent nerve palsy varies from 1.5-14%. Also considerable morbidity can be caused by hypocalcemia following thyroidectomy.Materials and Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted between January 1, 2017, to December 1, 2017, forty two patients who were subjected to total thyroidectomy were included in the study.Results: Total number of 42 cases of total thyroidectomy were performed during the study period. Females contributed to the majority. Multinodular goitre was the most common FNAC proved pathology for which total thyroidectomy was indicated. RLN injury was observed in 3 (7.14%) cases in our study which occurred post total thyroidectomy. Overall incidence of hypocalcemia was 33%. Onset of hypocalcemia was delayed upto 3rd day in 2 patients.Conclusion: Precise surgical dissection can lower the incidence of RLN palsy and post-thyroidectomy hypocalcemia.
Keywords :
Hypocalcemia; Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve; Total Thyroidectomy.
Background: One of the main obstacles in thyroid surgery is vocal cord paresis or paralysis due to iatrogenic injury of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). The incidence of recurrent nerve palsy varies from 1.5-14%. Also considerable morbidity can be caused by hypocalcemia following thyroidectomy.Materials and Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted between January 1, 2017, to December 1, 2017, forty two patients who were subjected to total thyroidectomy were included in the study.Results: Total number of 42 cases of total thyroidectomy were performed during the study period. Females contributed to the majority. Multinodular goitre was the most common FNAC proved pathology for which total thyroidectomy was indicated. RLN injury was observed in 3 (7.14%) cases in our study which occurred post total thyroidectomy. Overall incidence of hypocalcemia was 33%. Onset of hypocalcemia was delayed upto 3rd day in 2 patients.Conclusion: Precise surgical dissection can lower the incidence of RLN palsy and post-thyroidectomy hypocalcemia.
Keywords :
Hypocalcemia; Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve; Total Thyroidectomy.