Authors :
John Raj I; Suja Priya S; Veena Sree P.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
In the rapidly evolving landscape of
education, understanding and improving student
performance is of paramount importance. This research
paper explores the application of Machine Learning
(ML) technologies within the realm of Big Data Analytics
to comprehensively analyze and enhance student
performance. Leveraging the vast amount of data
generated within educational institutions, this study
demonstrates how ML algorithms and techniques can be
harnessed to gain insights into student learning patterns,
predict academic outcomes, and develop data-driven
strategies for educational improvement. The paper
begins by highlighting the significance of student
performance analysis in modern education and the
challenges faced by institutions in managing and
interpreting the growing volume of educational data. It
then presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-
art ML algorithms and data processing techniques
relevant to student performance analysis. Furthermore,
the research outlines a novel framework for student
performance analysis, integrating various ML models
such as regression, classification, and clustering,
alongside advanced data preprocessing techniques. The
proposed framework is designed to handle diverse
educational datasets, including academic records,
attendance records, socio-demographic information, and
learning resources utilization[1]
Through a series of experiments and case studies,
this paper demonstrates the practical application of ML
in predicting student performance accurately,
identifying at-risk students, and personalizing
educational interventions. It also delves into the ethical
considerations and data privacy concerns associated with
the use of student data in ML-based educational
analytics. The results and insights from this research
offer valuable implications for educational institutions,
policymakers, and researchers alike. By harnessing the
power of Big Data and ML technologies, institutions can
make data-driven decisions to enhance teaching
methodologies, improve student support systems, and
ultimately elevate student success rates. Additionally,
this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the
responsible use of data in education, emphasizing the
importance of transparency, fairness, and ethical
considerations. In conclusion, this research paper
presents a robust framework that showcases the
potential of Machine Learning technologies within the
realm of Big Data Analytics for student performance
analysis. It offers a roadmap for educational institutions
to harness the power of data to foster better learning
outcomes and contributes to the ongoing dialogue on
responsible data usage in education.
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of
education, understanding and improving student
performance is of paramount importance. This research
paper explores the application of Machine Learning
(ML) technologies within the realm of Big Data Analytics
to comprehensively analyze and enhance student
performance. Leveraging the vast amount of data
generated within educational institutions, this study
demonstrates how ML algorithms and techniques can be
harnessed to gain insights into student learning patterns,
predict academic outcomes, and develop data-driven
strategies for educational improvement. The paper
begins by highlighting the significance of student
performance analysis in modern education and the
challenges faced by institutions in managing and
interpreting the growing volume of educational data. It
then presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-
art ML algorithms and data processing techniques
relevant to student performance analysis. Furthermore,
the research outlines a novel framework for student
performance analysis, integrating various ML models
such as regression, classification, and clustering,
alongside advanced data preprocessing techniques. The
proposed framework is designed to handle diverse
educational datasets, including academic records,
attendance records, socio-demographic information, and
learning resources utilization[1]
Through a series of experiments and case studies,
this paper demonstrates the practical application of ML
in predicting student performance accurately,
identifying at-risk students, and personalizing
educational interventions. It also delves into the ethical
considerations and data privacy concerns associated with
the use of student data in ML-based educational
analytics. The results and insights from this research
offer valuable implications for educational institutions,
policymakers, and researchers alike. By harnessing the
power of Big Data and ML technologies, institutions can
make data-driven decisions to enhance teaching
methodologies, improve student support systems, and
ultimately elevate student success rates. Additionally,
this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the
responsible use of data in education, emphasizing the
importance of transparency, fairness, and ethical
considerations. In conclusion, this research paper
presents a robust framework that showcases the
potential of Machine Learning technologies within the
realm of Big Data Analytics for student performance
analysis. It offers a roadmap for educational institutions
to harness the power of data to foster better learning
outcomes and contributes to the ongoing dialogue on
responsible data usage in education.