Authors :
Mohtar Kamisi; Rustam Hasim
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The influence of globalization has resulted in
today's young generation being more proud of foreign
cultures than our own. Our culture has a very big role
in developing the character of young people in
Indonesia, especially the “SARUMA” culture. In
developing the "SARUMA" culture in South
Halmahera District High School to capture foreign
culture, the attention of local and state governments.
Therefore, the central and regional governments must
work hard to increase the strengthening of character
education at the central, provincial, and district/city
levels. The character education in the era of
globalization plays an active role in overcoming the
moral crisis that hit South Halmahera Regency, North
Maluku Province. Strengthening character education
has a very important role such as finding solutions or
solving problems, making decisions by consensus, and
being able to reduce conflicts that often occur both at
school and in the community.
The aims of this research are; 1), to describe and
explain the values of character education for students
based on the “SARUMA” culture in senior high schools
in South Halmahera Regency, 2) to describe and explain
the form of strengthening the character education of
students based on the "SARUMA" culture in high
schools in South Halmahera Regency.
The research used descriptive qualitative method.
Data collected at the beginning of the study through
observation, interviews, and direct documentation was
recorded for analysis. The data were analyzed using the
developed model. There are three components of the
model used in analyzing qualitative data, namely; 1) the
data reduction (data reduction), 2), data Presentation
(data display), 3), drawing Conclusions/Verification. In
the final flow of this data analysis is drawing
conclusions and verification. The results of this study
are strengthening the character education of students
based on the "SARUMA" culture which was developed
at the High School of South Halmahera Regency.
Keywords :
SARUMA culture, strengthening character education, high school.
The influence of globalization has resulted in
today's young generation being more proud of foreign
cultures than our own. Our culture has a very big role
in developing the character of young people in
Indonesia, especially the “SARUMA” culture. In
developing the "SARUMA" culture in South
Halmahera District High School to capture foreign
culture, the attention of local and state governments.
Therefore, the central and regional governments must
work hard to increase the strengthening of character
education at the central, provincial, and district/city
levels. The character education in the era of
globalization plays an active role in overcoming the
moral crisis that hit South Halmahera Regency, North
Maluku Province. Strengthening character education
has a very important role such as finding solutions or
solving problems, making decisions by consensus, and
being able to reduce conflicts that often occur both at
school and in the community.
The aims of this research are; 1), to describe and
explain the values of character education for students
based on the “SARUMA” culture in senior high schools
in South Halmahera Regency, 2) to describe and explain
the form of strengthening the character education of
students based on the "SARUMA" culture in high
schools in South Halmahera Regency.
The research used descriptive qualitative method.
Data collected at the beginning of the study through
observation, interviews, and direct documentation was
recorded for analysis. The data were analyzed using the
developed model. There are three components of the
model used in analyzing qualitative data, namely; 1) the
data reduction (data reduction), 2), data Presentation
(data display), 3), drawing Conclusions/Verification. In
the final flow of this data analysis is drawing
conclusions and verification. The results of this study
are strengthening the character education of students
based on the "SARUMA" culture which was developed
at the High School of South Halmahera Regency.
Keywords :
SARUMA culture, strengthening character education, high school.