Strategy Procurement and Affecting Factors to Increase SCM Performance in Pt. XXX

Authors : Suci Rahmadhani; Mombang Sihite; Derriawan

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The purpose of this study was to determine the procurement strategy and the factors that play a role in improving SCM performance at PT XXX. Respondents in this study were 95 people. The data analysis technique used quantitative and qualitative analysis. “The results showed that material management had an effect on E procurement and SCM performance. Where material management in a good company will be able to improve the performance of supply chain management owned by the company.” Procurement affects supply chain management performance. The better the E procurement, the better the supply chain management performance will be. The R Square value for the Eprocurement variable obtained is 0.429 or 42.9%. “These results show that material management together has an influence of 42.9% on E-procurement, while the remaining (1-R Square) 57.1% is a large contribution of influence given by other factors that do not need to be increased. The value of R Square for the SCM Performance variable obtained is 0.674 or 67.4%.” “These results show that material management and Eprocurement together have an influence of 67.4% on SCM Performance, while the remaining (1-R Square) 32.6% is a large contribution of influence given by other factors that are not necessary. reviewed.” Based on the Internal External Matrix, PT XXX with a score of IFE (2.89) and EFE (3.08) is in the upper quadrant IV. PT XXX is currently in a stable position which also has the potential to grow. Companies in this position have strategies that are generally defensive and keep them afloat. It is recommended to continue to improve on the internal sides so that they can maximize the procurement of performance. The results of the QSPM show that alternative strategies that are prioritized are optimizing prices and maximizing offers from suppliers or vendors for the implementation of procurement at PT XXX.

Keywords : Procurement strategy, Material management, Eprocurement, Supply chain management performance

The purpose of this study was to determine the procurement strategy and the factors that play a role in improving SCM performance at PT XXX. Respondents in this study were 95 people. The data analysis technique used quantitative and qualitative analysis. “The results showed that material management had an effect on E procurement and SCM performance. Where material management in a good company will be able to improve the performance of supply chain management owned by the company.” Procurement affects supply chain management performance. The better the E procurement, the better the supply chain management performance will be. The R Square value for the Eprocurement variable obtained is 0.429 or 42.9%. “These results show that material management together has an influence of 42.9% on E-procurement, while the remaining (1-R Square) 57.1% is a large contribution of influence given by other factors that do not need to be increased. The value of R Square for the SCM Performance variable obtained is 0.674 or 67.4%.” “These results show that material management and Eprocurement together have an influence of 67.4% on SCM Performance, while the remaining (1-R Square) 32.6% is a large contribution of influence given by other factors that are not necessary. reviewed.” Based on the Internal External Matrix, PT XXX with a score of IFE (2.89) and EFE (3.08) is in the upper quadrant IV. PT XXX is currently in a stable position which also has the potential to grow. Companies in this position have strategies that are generally defensive and keep them afloat. It is recommended to continue to improve on the internal sides so that they can maximize the procurement of performance. The results of the QSPM show that alternative strategies that are prioritized are optimizing prices and maximizing offers from suppliers or vendors for the implementation of procurement at PT XXX.

Keywords : Procurement strategy, Material management, Eprocurement, Supply chain management performance

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