Authors :
Oscar Aryadi; Edhie Budi Setiawan; Lira Agusinta; Suharto Abdul Majid
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of
the need for import sea cargo and to formulate strategies that will
accelerate sea cargo competition. The research was conducted by
reviewing, observing, and studying documents as well as
performing CLD (Causal Loop Diagram) and SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. Results of the
study show that there are 23 challenges in releasing imported sea
cargo in three stages, namely Pre Customs Clearance, Customs
Clearance and Post Customs Clearance. The results of the SWOT
analysis shows performance between the Strength and
Opportunity axes, namely quadrant 1 (1.42 : 0.93) and SO
(Strength Opportunity) strategy is used to provide visibility
monitoring to Customers, educate them about compliance, AEO
(Authorized Economic Operator) certification and benefits
importation through CDP (Cikarang Dry Port) which is also
supported by the best practices from employees, so that they can
have the same expertise and understand the renewal of applicable
laws also regulations, and can be more innovative and dynamic in
facing this era of digitalization or the industrial revolution 4.0.
Keywords :
Strategic Management, Sea Transportation Management, Freight Forwarding Services Strategy, Customs Brokerage.s.
The purpose of this study is to determine the causes of
the need for import sea cargo and to formulate strategies that will
accelerate sea cargo competition. The research was conducted by
reviewing, observing, and studying documents as well as
performing CLD (Causal Loop Diagram) and SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis. Results of the
study show that there are 23 challenges in releasing imported sea
cargo in three stages, namely Pre Customs Clearance, Customs
Clearance and Post Customs Clearance. The results of the SWOT
analysis shows performance between the Strength and
Opportunity axes, namely quadrant 1 (1.42 : 0.93) and SO
(Strength Opportunity) strategy is used to provide visibility
monitoring to Customers, educate them about compliance, AEO
(Authorized Economic Operator) certification and benefits
importation through CDP (Cikarang Dry Port) which is also
supported by the best practices from employees, so that they can
have the same expertise and understand the renewal of applicable
laws also regulations, and can be more innovative and dynamic in
facing this era of digitalization or the industrial revolution 4.0.
Keywords :
Strategic Management, Sea Transportation Management, Freight Forwarding Services Strategy, Customs Brokerage.s.