Authors :
C.Vinothini; V.Saravanabavan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Health services are essentially social services.
It is one of the many services system that has emerged to
facilitate of individual as well as social goals .An emerging
infectious disease (EID) is an infectious disease whose
incidence has increased recently (in the past 20 years),
and could increase in the near future.Madurai district in
Tamilnadu is selected for the present study. Madurai
district is located in the central part of southern
Tamilnadu of India. Madurai district is at 9º 30´ and 10 º
50´ of North Latitude and from 77 º 00´ to 78 º 30´ of East
longitude. The total geographical area is 384,680 hectares.
The total population is about 3038252 as per 2011 census.
The main objectives of the study area. To Identify the
Emerging disease in Madurai district. b. To analyze the
spatial distribution of emerging disease in Madurai
district. The data collected were taken using the method
of Stratified random sampling based on total number of
patients on both age and sex, and a total of 260 samples
were drawn in the year2021. For the purpose of this
project two important techniques used in the present
study are statistical techniques and GIS cartographic
interpretation. A Z- score is a statistical measurement of
a scores relationship to the mean in a group of score. It is
important to identify that certain areas and people which
exhibit health disease and these must react to the
responses of physical and social environments. The help
of Z score matrix, which is derived by using SPSS.10
statistical package.
Keywords :
EID, PHC, Z score, Ranking techniques, SPSSGIS
Health services are essentially social services.
It is one of the many services system that has emerged to
facilitate of individual as well as social goals .An emerging
infectious disease (EID) is an infectious disease whose
incidence has increased recently (in the past 20 years),
and could increase in the near future.Madurai district in
Tamilnadu is selected for the present study. Madurai
district is located in the central part of southern
Tamilnadu of India. Madurai district is at 9º 30´ and 10 º
50´ of North Latitude and from 77 º 00´ to 78 º 30´ of East
longitude. The total geographical area is 384,680 hectares.
The total population is about 3038252 as per 2011 census.
The main objectives of the study area. To Identify the
Emerging disease in Madurai district. b. To analyze the
spatial distribution of emerging disease in Madurai
district. The data collected were taken using the method
of Stratified random sampling based on total number of
patients on both age and sex, and a total of 260 samples
were drawn in the year2021. For the purpose of this
project two important techniques used in the present
study are statistical techniques and GIS cartographic
interpretation. A Z- score is a statistical measurement of
a scores relationship to the mean in a group of score. It is
important to identify that certain areas and people which
exhibit health disease and these must react to the
responses of physical and social environments. The help
of Z score matrix, which is derived by using SPSS.10
statistical package.
Keywords :
EID, PHC, Z score, Ranking techniques, SPSSGIS