Authors :
Jagadeesha M K, Nischay Narayan J, Siddagangaiah S H, Vamshi Krishna K S, Chandrashekar K.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Ground water is the major natural source of water in drought prone areas. In this present study area, the 10 bore well samples collected in villages of Pavagada taluk, Tumkur district where fluorosis is reported heavily. physico chemical analysis of Sixteen parameters were analyzed, such as pH , EC, TDS, TH, Ca and Mg hardness, carbonates, bi-carbonates, chlorides, fluorides, nitrate, sodium, potassium, sulphates. Fluoride quality ranging between 0.5-0.9 mg/ltr were obtained in the study area. Thematic maps were generated using ARC GIS software techniques. The ground water present in these bore wells require treatment before the usage for drinking, agriculture or other purposes.
Keywords :
Ground Water, Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Water Quality, GIS, Thematic Maps.
Ground water is the major natural source of water in drought prone areas. In this present study area, the 10 bore well samples collected in villages of Pavagada taluk, Tumkur district where fluorosis is reported heavily. physico chemical analysis of Sixteen parameters were analyzed, such as pH , EC, TDS, TH, Ca and Mg hardness, carbonates, bi-carbonates, chlorides, fluorides, nitrate, sodium, potassium, sulphates. Fluoride quality ranging between 0.5-0.9 mg/ltr were obtained in the study area. Thematic maps were generated using ARC GIS software techniques. The ground water present in these bore wells require treatment before the usage for drinking, agriculture or other purposes.
Keywords :
Ground Water, Physico-Chemical Characteristics, Water Quality, GIS, Thematic Maps.