Snake Venom : A Bioactive Cocktail and its Therapautic use

Authors : Satabdi Sinha

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : From ancient time whenever we face any problem, we came to nature for the solution. Our nature is self renewable, she has solution for every problem, but we have to find the right path to respond more quickly. This review is regarding chemical nature of snake venom and about different life saving drugs extracted from snake venom. Venoms were originated from non poisonous proteins, and with subsequent generations under evolution these proteins become mutated and modified multiple times to develop deadly poison. With every modification venom becomes enriched with new diverse group of compounds. Main constituents of venom is hydrolyses, PLA2, phosphodiesterases, serine proteases and metalloproteases. Snakes use their venom to paralyzed their prey and to digest food, but these components can be used to treat various life threatening disease. Cobra, krait and rattle snakes are most poisionous snakes and their venom contains different enzymes, are classified as neurotoxic, haemotoxic and cytotoxic in nature and these have different impact upon exposure to animal. Neurotoxic venom destroy nervous system, haemotoxic venom leads to the destruction of red blood cells and also interfere with blood clotting factors, whereas cytotoxic venom can cause necrosis and apoptosis. With the discovary of modern techniques, isolation of different proteins and peptides and analysis of their nature are become easier. Most widely used drugs extracted from snake venom are Tirofiban, Eptifibatide, Captopril, enalapril, cobratide and batroxobin ete. The source of tirofiban, captopril, enalapril batroxobin is the venom of different viper species. On the other hand, eptifibatide is extracted from rattle snake and cobratide is from Chinese cobra .

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From ancient time whenever we face any problem, we came to nature for the solution. Our nature is self renewable, she has solution for every problem, but we have to find the right path to respond more quickly. This review is regarding chemical nature of snake venom and about different life saving drugs extracted from snake venom. Venoms were originated from non poisonous proteins, and with subsequent generations under evolution these proteins become mutated and modified multiple times to develop deadly poison. With every modification venom becomes enriched with new diverse group of compounds. Main constituents of venom is hydrolyses, PLA2, phosphodiesterases, serine proteases and metalloproteases. Snakes use their venom to paralyzed their prey and to digest food, but these components can be used to treat various life threatening disease. Cobra, krait and rattle snakes are most poisionous snakes and their venom contains different enzymes, are classified as neurotoxic, haemotoxic and cytotoxic in nature and these have different impact upon exposure to animal. Neurotoxic venom destroy nervous system, haemotoxic venom leads to the destruction of red blood cells and also interfere with blood clotting factors, whereas cytotoxic venom can cause necrosis and apoptosis. With the discovary of modern techniques, isolation of different proteins and peptides and analysis of their nature are become easier. Most widely used drugs extracted from snake venom are Tirofiban, Eptifibatide, Captopril, enalapril, cobratide and batroxobin ete. The source of tirofiban, captopril, enalapril batroxobin is the venom of different viper species. On the other hand, eptifibatide is extracted from rattle snake and cobratide is from Chinese cobra .

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