Smart System for the Blind

Authors : Varian Rumao; Prajyoti Dsilva

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : The Smart Glasses System could be a device whose prime goal is to assist the blind man move more freely and simply without any difficulties. The system also will include a wise Cap which will detect the user temperature and alert if it exceeds. The purpose of this method basically is to assist the virtually impaired. As there are multiple smart systems like smart glasses, smartwatches, etc. present within the market. But all of them are built for physically fit person. there’s a major lack of technology to help the physically challenged, so We wanted to create something that is useful for purblind people. So, we designed this low-cost system that may be able to help the visually impaired people.

The Smart Glasses System could be a device whose prime goal is to assist the blind man move more freely and simply without any difficulties. The system also will include a wise Cap which will detect the user temperature and alert if it exceeds. The purpose of this method basically is to assist the virtually impaired. As there are multiple smart systems like smart glasses, smartwatches, etc. present within the market. But all of them are built for physically fit person. there’s a major lack of technology to help the physically challenged, so We wanted to create something that is useful for purblind people. So, we designed this low-cost system that may be able to help the visually impaired people.

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