Shelf Life Extension of Allium cepa and Allium sativum Using X-Rays in Benue State, Nigeria

Authors : Alexander A. Tyovenda; Isidore Komofor Ngongiah; Nguvan Becky Akaagerger; Soweh Raymond Mbinkong; Kenkwa Basil Songwe

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Food wastage as a consequence of deterioration and short shelf life is a major issue impacting food security and the economy of Nigeria and Cameroon in particular in the context of a rising population and constant natural resources. This study is aimed at investigating the effects of X-Irradiation on the physicochemical properties, and shelf life of red and white onion (Allium cepa), and Garlic (Allium sativum),

Keywords : Onion, Garlic, X-irradiation, Physicochemical Properties, Shelf Life.

Food wastage as a consequence of deterioration and short shelf life is a major issue impacting food security and the economy of Nigeria and Cameroon in particular in the context of a rising population and constant natural resources. This study is aimed at investigating the effects of X-Irradiation on the physicochemical properties, and shelf life of red and white onion (Allium cepa), and Garlic (Allium sativum),

Keywords : Onion, Garlic, X-irradiation, Physicochemical Properties, Shelf Life.

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