Senior High School Students’ Conception of Learning Biology in Relation to Self-Regulated Learning Strategies: Their Impact on Students’ Academic Performance

Authors : Mascardo, Maria Jida C; Lasala, Paula Belle S; Lazarte, Renaire Francis A.

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG268

Abstract : This study aims to identify the relationship between the grade 12 senior high school students’ conception of learning biology and their self-regulated learning strategies and the impact of these variables on the academic performance of the students. Two sets of questionnaires - the Conception of Learning Biology questionnaire and the Self-Regulated Learning Strategies questionnaire - were administered to students in the different public secondary schools in Cebu City whose schools offered Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand in the Senior High School curriculum. This research used exploratory factor analysis to analyze the data. The results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship among all the variables in the conception of learning biology and all factors in self-regulated strategies of senior high school students. The data further reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between the students’ academic performance and one of the factors of selfregulated learning strategies. The results of the study have implications on the teaching of biology particularly on understanding student’s conception of learning and their self-regulated learning strategies in order to achieve better academic outcomes. It is recommended for teachers to make necessary interventions in order to encourage students to develop advanced order conceptions of learning and higher order self-regulated learning strategies that would help them attain high academic performance.

Keywords : Conceptions of Learning, Self-Regulated Learning.

This study aims to identify the relationship between the grade 12 senior high school students’ conception of learning biology and their self-regulated learning strategies and the impact of these variables on the academic performance of the students. Two sets of questionnaires - the Conception of Learning Biology questionnaire and the Self-Regulated Learning Strategies questionnaire - were administered to students in the different public secondary schools in Cebu City whose schools offered Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strand in the Senior High School curriculum. This research used exploratory factor analysis to analyze the data. The results reveal that there is a significant positive relationship among all the variables in the conception of learning biology and all factors in self-regulated strategies of senior high school students. The data further reveal that there is a significant positive relationship between the students’ academic performance and one of the factors of selfregulated learning strategies. The results of the study have implications on the teaching of biology particularly on understanding student’s conception of learning and their self-regulated learning strategies in order to achieve better academic outcomes. It is recommended for teachers to make necessary interventions in order to encourage students to develop advanced order conceptions of learning and higher order self-regulated learning strategies that would help them attain high academic performance.

Keywords : Conceptions of Learning, Self-Regulated Learning.

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