Authors :
Deva Prasad, G. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. T. Sasikala
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
The size of informal organization
information is expanding rapidly. All the different types
of issues and problems are communicating in online
social media platforms. This project tells us how to find
out different types of issues going in social media. We all
know that twitter is one of the social media platforms.
So, Twitter is picking up prominence these days and the
vast majority are utilizing this stage to communicate
their conclusions. Slant investigation on Twitter is the
utilization of breaking down the supposition of twitter
data passed on by the client. The examination on this
issue proclamation has developed reliably. So, this
project aims to collect the all twitter data which is
posted by the public users with organization
hashtags. By using Sentiment analysis we will find out
the tweets which is a positive comment and which is a
negative comment and which is neutral. Right now, plan
to portray the systems embraced, the procedure and
models applied, alongside a summed-up approach
utilizing python. Conclusion examination expects to
decide or quantify the frame of mind of the essayist
regarding some subject.
Keywords :
Informal Information, segregating Tweets, Evaluating data, Text analysis, Hashtag analysis.
The size of informal organization
information is expanding rapidly. All the different types
of issues and problems are communicating in online
social media platforms. This project tells us how to find
out different types of issues going in social media. We all
know that twitter is one of the social media platforms.
So, Twitter is picking up prominence these days and the
vast majority are utilizing this stage to communicate
their conclusions. Slant investigation on Twitter is the
utilization of breaking down the supposition of twitter
data passed on by the client. The examination on this
issue proclamation has developed reliably. So, this
project aims to collect the all twitter data which is
posted by the public users with organization
hashtags. By using Sentiment analysis we will find out
the tweets which is a positive comment and which is a
negative comment and which is neutral. Right now, plan
to portray the systems embraced, the procedure and
models applied, alongside a summed-up approach
utilizing python. Conclusion examination expects to
decide or quantify the frame of mind of the essayist
regarding some subject.
Keywords :
Informal Information, segregating Tweets, Evaluating data, Text analysis, Hashtag analysis.