Authors :
Thiaybles Stephen Smith S
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
Google Scholar :
Scribd :
Abstract :
Generally, the documents like academic
certificates, Aadhar Card, PAN card and so on are very
important in everyday life. For example, if the person is
going for interview or admission; we have to carry these
paper documents for verification and other purposes. As
we are living in digital world, it can be replaced with the
help of some software technologies. Now days, almost all
the students are using smart mobiles. It is inevitable in this
pandemic situation across the world. It becomes part and
parcel of student’s community, especially college going
students. Paper documents can be replaced with digital
documents which is the main motto of this project. Also, if
anyone loses the paper documents or drop them
somewhere by mistake, they can be misused. Uploading
them on servers is risky as it can be hacked. On the other
hand, keeping them openly on our phones is not good
either. Thus, this research is going to develop this app that
will save the uploaded document in an encrypted form and
store them in the Internal Memory, to avoid any kind of
hacking. The data will be stored in the device using SQLite
and for the front end and functioning; you can use the
platform of Android Studio. The best thing about this
system is that it is secured with Pin. This PIN is created by
the users to access the file while registering them on the
application. Secure pin will ensure the safety of the
document even if the phone is with someone else. The files
are secured in such a way that no intruder can access them
in any case. The same work is developed as windows
application which will be installed in some cloud server.
The staff in-charge of certificate verification, He or she
gets the PIN from the student and verifies the certificates
with certificates which are saved in his or her smart mobile
phone. At the same time, this research can check the
authenticity of the students by using bio-metric system,
that is, fingerprint system can be used. If everything is
verified, then we can issue the certificates. Moreover, this
research promotes authenticated person only can access
this server.
Keywords :
Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Storage, Student Management System, Authentication.
Generally, the documents like academic
certificates, Aadhar Card, PAN card and so on are very
important in everyday life. For example, if the person is
going for interview or admission; we have to carry these
paper documents for verification and other purposes. As
we are living in digital world, it can be replaced with the
help of some software technologies. Now days, almost all
the students are using smart mobiles. It is inevitable in this
pandemic situation across the world. It becomes part and
parcel of student’s community, especially college going
students. Paper documents can be replaced with digital
documents which is the main motto of this project. Also, if
anyone loses the paper documents or drop them
somewhere by mistake, they can be misused. Uploading
them on servers is risky as it can be hacked. On the other
hand, keeping them openly on our phones is not good
either. Thus, this research is going to develop this app that
will save the uploaded document in an encrypted form and
store them in the Internal Memory, to avoid any kind of
hacking. The data will be stored in the device using SQLite
and for the front end and functioning; you can use the
platform of Android Studio. The best thing about this
system is that it is secured with Pin. This PIN is created by
the users to access the file while registering them on the
application. Secure pin will ensure the safety of the
document even if the phone is with someone else. The files
are secured in such a way that no intruder can access them
in any case. The same work is developed as windows
application which will be installed in some cloud server.
The staff in-charge of certificate verification, He or she
gets the PIN from the student and verifies the certificates
with certificates which are saved in his or her smart mobile
phone. At the same time, this research can check the
authenticity of the students by using bio-metric system,
that is, fingerprint system can be used. If everything is
verified, then we can issue the certificates. Moreover, this
research promotes authenticated person only can access
this server.
Keywords :
Cloud Computing, Cloud Security, Cloud Storage, Student Management System, Authentication.