Secure Live ATM Transaction using Steganography and Image Processing

Authors : Krishnanand; E. Saraswathi; Ritesh Singh; Shubham Nandi

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : The Current banking system is very popular with the feature of offering customers a high-quality service 24 hours a day, but the major issue in banking is the authenticity of the customer and most systems today rely on static passwords to verify a user’s identity. The user always tries to use, easy and guessable passwords, try to use the same password for one or more accounts, or some will write down their password, etc. So, there are many ways to steal these passwords by a hacker, they will be using many techniques, such as peeping i.e., shoulder surfing, snooping, sniffing, etc. Also, the PIN validation is done at later stages of ATM transactions. The proposed system uses live ATM transaction with steganography to generate dynamic pin for each new ATM transaction performed.

The Current banking system is very popular with the feature of offering customers a high-quality service 24 hours a day, but the major issue in banking is the authenticity of the customer and most systems today rely on static passwords to verify a user’s identity. The user always tries to use, easy and guessable passwords, try to use the same password for one or more accounts, or some will write down their password, etc. So, there are many ways to steal these passwords by a hacker, they will be using many techniques, such as peeping i.e., shoulder surfing, snooping, sniffing, etc. Also, the PIN validation is done at later stages of ATM transactions. The proposed system uses live ATM transaction with steganography to generate dynamic pin for each new ATM transaction performed.


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31 - May - 2024

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