Search Engine : Problems and Solutions

Authors : Mohit kushwaha

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : This report, presents the tools used in search engine and the working of a search engine. The search engine is used surf both content and picture search. The search engine comprises of various tools such as web crawler, parser, indexer, front end, backend and ranking algorithm. Search engines are important as they provide every detail related to different topics through billion of web pages. They are used to filter data on internet and then convert it into result that are relevant and easily accessible. The Original Page Rank calculation has been chosen and completely implemented. The Search engine will be furnished with custom design alternative( one can modify it regarding format ,add various surfaces and so many things).The valuable data, for example, passwords, email ids and personal informations are made secured by using appropriate protocols which is covering a decent degree of security and privacy.

Keywords : Search Engine, Algorithm, Tools, Web Pages, Data, Privacy, Security

This report, presents the tools used in search engine and the working of a search engine. The search engine is used surf both content and picture search. The search engine comprises of various tools such as web crawler, parser, indexer, front end, backend and ranking algorithm. Search engines are important as they provide every detail related to different topics through billion of web pages. They are used to filter data on internet and then convert it into result that are relevant and easily accessible. The Original Page Rank calculation has been chosen and completely implemented. The Search engine will be furnished with custom design alternative( one can modify it regarding format ,add various surfaces and so many things).The valuable data, for example, passwords, email ids and personal informations are made secured by using appropriate protocols which is covering a decent degree of security and privacy.

Keywords : Search Engine, Algorithm, Tools, Web Pages, Data, Privacy, Security

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