Authors :
Angelica Sunshine Onarse Ayala; Roel P. Villocino
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This study aimed to determine the school
leadership behavior and job satisfaction among multi-
grade teachers in the Loreto district, Agusan del Sur—a
descriptive. A descriptive-correlational design was used
in the study. The study participants were multi-grade
teachers selected from 15 multi-grade schools in Loreto,
Agusan del Sur. All teachers currently teaching in the
Department of Education were included using the
universal sampling technique. This study used adapted
4-point Likert scale questionnaires for multi-grade
teachers' school leadership behavior and job satisfaction.
The school leadership behavior level in Loreto, Agusan
del Sur District, often manifested. Job Satisfaction
among Multi-grade Teachers in Loreto, Agusan del Sur,
was high and oftentimes evident. There was a significant
relationship between school leadership behavior and job
satisfaction among multi-grade teachers in Loreto,
Agusan del Sur. The study recommends that school
leadership practices and qualities can be improved with
a strategic program that might improve their ability to
relate to others and develop effective and efficient
leadership talents. To raise the degree of principal
leadership, the school principal may strengthen teacher
bonds by encouraging open communication,
transparency, and teamwork. School principals may
create and design sustainable activities that support their
teachers' well-being. One of them is the Teachers
Recognition Program. This activity recognizes the
achievement and success of the teaching staff in this
challenging time.
Keywords :
School Leadership Behavior, Job Satisfaction, Multi-Grade, Responsibility, Correlational Study.
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This study aimed to determine the school
leadership behavior and job satisfaction among multi-
grade teachers in the Loreto district, Agusan del Sur—a
descriptive. A descriptive-correlational design was used
in the study. The study participants were multi-grade
teachers selected from 15 multi-grade schools in Loreto,
Agusan del Sur. All teachers currently teaching in the
Department of Education were included using the
universal sampling technique. This study used adapted
4-point Likert scale questionnaires for multi-grade
teachers' school leadership behavior and job satisfaction.
The school leadership behavior level in Loreto, Agusan
del Sur District, often manifested. Job Satisfaction
among Multi-grade Teachers in Loreto, Agusan del Sur,
was high and oftentimes evident. There was a significant
relationship between school leadership behavior and job
satisfaction among multi-grade teachers in Loreto,
Agusan del Sur. The study recommends that school
leadership practices and qualities can be improved with
a strategic program that might improve their ability to
relate to others and develop effective and efficient
leadership talents. To raise the degree of principal
leadership, the school principal may strengthen teacher
bonds by encouraging open communication,
transparency, and teamwork. School principals may
create and design sustainable activities that support their
teachers' well-being. One of them is the Teachers
Recognition Program. This activity recognizes the
achievement and success of the teaching staff in this
challenging time.
Keywords :
School Leadership Behavior, Job Satisfaction, Multi-Grade, Responsibility, Correlational Study.