Safe Drive Headgear System

Authors : Muduru Jagadeesh; Duddella Vikhil; Somagani Madhan; G.Radhika; Dr. A. N. Satyanarayana

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : India, the world's second-most populous country, boasts a significant youth demographic. In contemporary times, young individuals exhibit a penchant for motorcycles, often prioritizing style over safety by neglecting to wear helmets. Consequently, motorcycle accidents have seen a steady rise, resulting in fatalities predominantly attributed to head injuries. However, the adoption of helmets could mitigate such risks and prevent tragic outcomes. Furthermore, instances of driving under the influence have surged, contributing to accidents and fatalities owing to reckless behavior. In case of hit and run it is becoming some difficult to identify the vehicle. So, there is a need of identify the vehicle which hit the backside. These unfortunate occurrences have spurred the development of a technologically advanced solution: a safe drive headgear system. This innovative device aims to curb accidents and minimize fatalities by incorporating key features. For instance, the motorcycle only initiates upon the rider donning a helmet. Additionally, in cases of alcohol intoxication, the ignition system automatically disengages. By using ESP 32 camera and IR sensor we can identify the vehicle in hit and run case. Moreover, in the event of an accident, the integrated GSM modem swiftly dispatches distress messages to pre-registered contacts via a SIM card.

Keywords : Component; GSM Module ;Internet of Things; ESP 32 Camera ; GPS Module ; Safe Drive Headgear System)

India, the world's second-most populous country, boasts a significant youth demographic. In contemporary times, young individuals exhibit a penchant for motorcycles, often prioritizing style over safety by neglecting to wear helmets. Consequently, motorcycle accidents have seen a steady rise, resulting in fatalities predominantly attributed to head injuries. However, the adoption of helmets could mitigate such risks and prevent tragic outcomes. Furthermore, instances of driving under the influence have surged, contributing to accidents and fatalities owing to reckless behavior. In case of hit and run it is becoming some difficult to identify the vehicle. So, there is a need of identify the vehicle which hit the backside. These unfortunate occurrences have spurred the development of a technologically advanced solution: a safe drive headgear system. This innovative device aims to curb accidents and minimize fatalities by incorporating key features. For instance, the motorcycle only initiates upon the rider donning a helmet. Additionally, in cases of alcohol intoxication, the ignition system automatically disengages. By using ESP 32 camera and IR sensor we can identify the vehicle in hit and run case. Moreover, in the event of an accident, the integrated GSM modem swiftly dispatches distress messages to pre-registered contacts via a SIM card.

Keywords : Component; GSM Module ;Internet of Things; ESP 32 Camera ; GPS Module ; Safe Drive Headgear System)


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