Rural Education: A Study of District Dimapur of Nagaland in India

Authors : Temjensola; Dr. Meenu Sharma

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Dimapur District is a place of Nagaland state, and the centre place of Nagaland. The education system in rural areas is not so fruitful for the children. To improve the socio-economic conditions of the people in the north eastern state, there is need to provide proper education facilities to all children in rural areas. The major objectives of this paper are; to study the education facilities, infrastructure available in district Dimapur of Nagaland, to study the problems related to education of rural people, to provide suggestions for improving the level of rural education.

Keywords : Education, Rural Areas, Illiteracy, Poverty, Infrastructure.

Dimapur District is a place of Nagaland state, and the centre place of Nagaland. The education system in rural areas is not so fruitful for the children. To improve the socio-economic conditions of the people in the north eastern state, there is need to provide proper education facilities to all children in rural areas. The major objectives of this paper are; to study the education facilities, infrastructure available in district Dimapur of Nagaland, to study the problems related to education of rural people, to provide suggestions for improving the level of rural education.

Keywords : Education, Rural Areas, Illiteracy, Poverty, Infrastructure.

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