Authors :
Jherrod Thomas
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study examines the integration of
intelligent highways to facilitate autonomous vehicle (AV)
operations. Uti- lizing a multi-disciplinary approach
encompassing technological assessment, infrastructural
analysis, and regulatory considera- tions, this research
explores how advanced road systems can significantly
enhance the efficacy and safety of AVs. The study
identifies the critical infrastructural and technological
enhance- ments required, such as advanced Vehicle-to-
Infrastructure (V2I) communication systems and
embedded roadway sensors through empirical data and
theoretical modeling. The findings suggest that intelligent
highways are imperative to overcome current limitations
in AV technology, primarily through improved data
communication and safety mechanisms. These
enhancements can decrease traffic congestion, minimize
accident rates, and facilitate a more integrated vehicular
network. The conclusions drawn underline the necessity
for substantial investments in smart road systems and a
cooperative regulatory framework to support the
widespread adoption of AV technology.
Keywords :
ISO 26262, Autonomous Vehicles, IntelligentHighways, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Road Safety, Traffic Management, Technological Integration, Highway Automation, Smart Infrastructure, Technological Adaptation
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This study examines the integration of
intelligent highways to facilitate autonomous vehicle (AV)
operations. Uti- lizing a multi-disciplinary approach
encompassing technological assessment, infrastructural
analysis, and regulatory considera- tions, this research
explores how advanced road systems can significantly
enhance the efficacy and safety of AVs. The study
identifies the critical infrastructural and technological
enhance- ments required, such as advanced Vehicle-to-
Infrastructure (V2I) communication systems and
embedded roadway sensors through empirical data and
theoretical modeling. The findings suggest that intelligent
highways are imperative to overcome current limitations
in AV technology, primarily through improved data
communication and safety mechanisms. These
enhancements can decrease traffic congestion, minimize
accident rates, and facilitate a more integrated vehicular
network. The conclusions drawn underline the necessity
for substantial investments in smart road systems and a
cooperative regulatory framework to support the
widespread adoption of AV technology.
Keywords :
ISO 26262, Autonomous Vehicles, IntelligentHighways, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), Road Safety, Traffic Management, Technological Integration, Highway Automation, Smart Infrastructure, Technological Adaptation