Authors :
Jamaluddin; Khairuddin; Daryono; Rusli Anwar; Fahrizal; Haryatie Sarie
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Risk Management in Palm Oil Fruit
Harvesting Activities Using the Hirarc PT method. Prima
Artha Dynamics.
This research is motivated by a source of danger in
oil palm fruit harvesting activities with the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities. Therefore,
the aim of this research is to analyze the main causes of
the risk of work accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting
activities, to analyze the severity of the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities, To
determine the steps taken to control the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities. This
research uses the HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk
Assessment Risk Control) method, namely by identifying
sources of danger, analyze the level of risk and risk
control efforts. Data was obtained through interviews
with 18 harvest employees.
From the results of this research, there are main
causes that are a source of danger and risk for oil palm
fruit harvesting activities, namely slippery land, palm
fruit bunches, sharp objects, palm fronds, snake
droppings/powder, centipedes and wasps. The main
causes that are the source of danger and the occurrence
of risks have a mild level of risk, namely falling/slipping,
being hit by fruit when removing fruit to TPH, being hit
by fronds during harvest, falling into the eyes of
droppings, being stung by centipedes and being stung by
wasps and for moderate risks, namely being
injured/injured by sharp objects. Efforts to control the
risks of oil palm fruit harvesting activities include the use
of complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), upaya
lain yang dilakukan adalah pembersihan lahan yang
semak agar tidak menjadi sarang ular.
Keywords :
Hirarc, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Control.
References :
- AS/NZS 4360: 2004. Edition. The Australian And New Zealand Standard on Risk Management, Standards Australia International Ltd, NSW Australia.
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- Kementrian Pertanian. (2021). Palm Oil Outlook 2021. Jakarta: Center for Agricultural Data and Information Systems - Secretariat General- Ministry of Agriculture
- Limbong, E. 2022. Potential Dangers and Risks in Palm Oil Harvesting Activities. Samarinda: Samarinda State Agricultural Polytechnic
- Pahan, I 2008. Complete Guide to Palm Oil : Agribusiness Management from Upstream to Downstream. Self-Help Spreader.
- Pemerintah Indonesia. 2012. Government Regulation (PP) concerning Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Jakarta: Government of Indonesia.
- PPKS, Palm Oil Research Center. 2007. Palm Oil Cultivation. Palm Oil Research Center. Jakarta
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- Rusvita, L.. Urrohmah, Riandadari Dyah, 2019. Hazard Identification using the Hazard Identification, Risk,Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Method in an effort to reduce the risk of work accidents.
Risk Management in Palm Oil Fruit
Harvesting Activities Using the Hirarc PT method. Prima
Artha Dynamics.
This research is motivated by a source of danger in
oil palm fruit harvesting activities with the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities. Therefore,
the aim of this research is to analyze the main causes of
the risk of work accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting
activities, to analyze the severity of the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities, To
determine the steps taken to control the risk of work
accidents in oil palm fruit harvesting activities. This
research uses the HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk
Assessment Risk Control) method, namely by identifying
sources of danger, analyze the level of risk and risk
control efforts. Data was obtained through interviews
with 18 harvest employees.
From the results of this research, there are main
causes that are a source of danger and risk for oil palm
fruit harvesting activities, namely slippery land, palm
fruit bunches, sharp objects, palm fronds, snake
droppings/powder, centipedes and wasps. The main
causes that are the source of danger and the occurrence
of risks have a mild level of risk, namely falling/slipping,
being hit by fruit when removing fruit to TPH, being hit
by fronds during harvest, falling into the eyes of
droppings, being stung by centipedes and being stung by
wasps and for moderate risks, namely being
injured/injured by sharp objects. Efforts to control the
risks of oil palm fruit harvesting activities include the use
of complete Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), upaya
lain yang dilakukan adalah pembersihan lahan yang
semak agar tidak menjadi sarang ular.
Keywords :
Hirarc, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, Control.