Review on ‘Big Data - Sentiment Analysis’

Authors : Yash R Karanje.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : We all are very well aware with today’s world that at what extent it has been socialised and it doesn’t need to be mentioned explicitly. People express their thoughts on various digital platforms and there comes the opportunity to know the opinion of society upon any concerned issue. Here, we’ll be using Twitter as a social media platform and one’s individual tweet as a characteristic property will act as the examinee since tweet is the sharp and shortest way to describe ourselves and so it is adopted by society. In this review paper, firstly it focuses on big data concepts and its handling techniques. Then it focuses on tweets mining from Twitter and their sentiment extraction. Sentiment Analysis is a construct of Data Mining & NLP. Also, it shows working of NLP libraries and how it uses Naïve Bayes Algorithm. In short, this paper is review about existing technologies to handle big data and so its sentiment analysis with their pros & cons.

Keywords : Big data, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Naïve Bayes Algorithm, Twitter, Social Media.

We all are very well aware with today’s world that at what extent it has been socialised and it doesn’t need to be mentioned explicitly. People express their thoughts on various digital platforms and there comes the opportunity to know the opinion of society upon any concerned issue. Here, we’ll be using Twitter as a social media platform and one’s individual tweet as a characteristic property will act as the examinee since tweet is the sharp and shortest way to describe ourselves and so it is adopted by society. In this review paper, firstly it focuses on big data concepts and its handling techniques. Then it focuses on tweets mining from Twitter and their sentiment extraction. Sentiment Analysis is a construct of Data Mining & NLP. Also, it shows working of NLP libraries and how it uses Naïve Bayes Algorithm. In short, this paper is review about existing technologies to handle big data and so its sentiment analysis with their pros & cons.

Keywords : Big data, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Naïve Bayes Algorithm, Twitter, Social Media.

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