Authors :
Tabe Roy-Cluivert Mbi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Endowed with huge energy resources, Africa is
a major player in the global energy markets. Although
much attention has been given to the exploitation of
fossils and uranium for electrification and global
industrialization processes, energy security remains a
predominant and contemporary phenomenon, especially
in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. With the highest potential
of solar radiation globally, Africa remains resourceful in
sustainable energy production and transition. Despite
these potentials, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the least
electrified globally, with electrification rates lowest in the
rural areas. Using semi-structured interviews, this study
qualitatively investigates the accessibility of solar
photovoltaic systems for sustainable rural electrification
of Bengbis Municipality in the southern region of
Cameroon. Findings established energy stacking as an
empirical reality with policy gaps, physical and
infrastructural factors hindering accessibility. The study
recommends the introduction of a renewable energy act,
revision of rural energy programs and prioritizing the
decentralization of solar photovoltaics for sustainable
rural electrification.
Keywords :
Solar Photovoltaics, sustainable rural development, sustainable rural electrification and Bengbis.
References :
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Endowed with huge energy resources, Africa is
a major player in the global energy markets. Although
much attention has been given to the exploitation of
fossils and uranium for electrification and global
industrialization processes, energy security remains a
predominant and contemporary phenomenon, especially
in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. With the highest potential
of solar radiation globally, Africa remains resourceful in
sustainable energy production and transition. Despite
these potentials, Sub-Saharan Africa remains the least
electrified globally, with electrification rates lowest in the
rural areas. Using semi-structured interviews, this study
qualitatively investigates the accessibility of solar
photovoltaic systems for sustainable rural electrification
of Bengbis Municipality in the southern region of
Cameroon. Findings established energy stacking as an
empirical reality with policy gaps, physical and
infrastructural factors hindering accessibility. The study
recommends the introduction of a renewable energy act,
revision of rural energy programs and prioritizing the
decentralization of solar photovoltaics for sustainable
rural electrification.
Keywords :
Solar Photovoltaics, sustainable rural development, sustainable rural electrification and Bengbis.