Authors :
Dr. P. W. Raut; Ishwari Chandrayan; Rishika Jain; Ritika Potturi; Aishwarya Ujjainkar; Pratiksha Sawale
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
The motive of our project is to measure two
parameters of patient .We have measured body
temperature and heart rate using arduino and GSM
module. Heart rate can be measured using pulse sensor
and body temperature can be measured using LM35
sensor. The pulse sensor is basically used to show the
readings in BPM (Beat Per Minute) and the body
temperature will be displayed on the connected LCD
along with BPM readings. And the displayed output will
be sent to the registered mobile number using GSM
module. With the implementation of this project we can
measure body temperature and heart rate using GSM
module and arduino and send the output to the
registered mobile number of doctor by indicating
whether the temperature and BPM is high, normal or
Keywords :
Pulse Sensor , Arduino, LM 35 Sensor, LCD Display, GSM Module.
The motive of our project is to measure two
parameters of patient .We have measured body
temperature and heart rate using arduino and GSM
module. Heart rate can be measured using pulse sensor
and body temperature can be measured using LM35
sensor. The pulse sensor is basically used to show the
readings in BPM (Beat Per Minute) and the body
temperature will be displayed on the connected LCD
along with BPM readings. And the displayed output will
be sent to the registered mobile number using GSM
module. With the implementation of this project we can
measure body temperature and heart rate using GSM
module and arduino and send the output to the
registered mobile number of doctor by indicating
whether the temperature and BPM is high, normal or
Keywords :
Pulse Sensor , Arduino, LM 35 Sensor, LCD Display, GSM Module.