Authors :
Silvia Mawaddah, Muslimin Ibrahim, Nadi Suprapto
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
This Paper describe the science conception
profile of 5th grade students before, after remediation
of science misconceptions through a modified concept
attainment model. This is a pre-experimental one group
pretest posttest design. This Paper was developed
following the 4-D model development research design
(Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The
developed learning instructional of science
misconceptions remediation through modification of the
concept attainment learning model has been validated
by experts. The validation results state that the learning
instructional can be applied. Validated learning
instructional were tested on 5th grade students of SDN
Gunungsari I / 484 Surabaya. With a total of 30
students. The results of limited trials show that
remediation of students' misconceptions, which was
originally 88.33% of students experiencing
misconceptions, has dropped to 12.67%. Based on that
result, remediation of science misconception in the
5thgrade can be done through a modification of the
concept attainment learning model.
Keywords :
Misconception, Science, Concept Attainment Model, Remediation, Primary School, Concept Profile.
This Paper describe the science conception
profile of 5th grade students before, after remediation
of science misconceptions through a modified concept
attainment model. This is a pre-experimental one group
pretest posttest design. This Paper was developed
following the 4-D model development research design
(Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The
developed learning instructional of science
misconceptions remediation through modification of the
concept attainment learning model has been validated
by experts. The validation results state that the learning
instructional can be applied. Validated learning
instructional were tested on 5th grade students of SDN
Gunungsari I / 484 Surabaya. With a total of 30
students. The results of limited trials show that
remediation of students' misconceptions, which was
originally 88.33% of students experiencing
misconceptions, has dropped to 12.67%. Based on that
result, remediation of science misconception in the
5thgrade can be done through a modification of the
concept attainment learning model.
Keywords :
Misconception, Science, Concept Attainment Model, Remediation, Primary School, Concept Profile.