Authors :
Muhammad Ainun Naim; Erry Rimawan; Mahmud; Adinda Putri
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
ABC Factory is one of the companies
engaged in manufacturing precast concrete in
Indonesia. This company was established in 1978 under
the auspices of XYZ Group Since. The products
produced by ABC Factory are Precast Concrete /
Prefabricated Concrete or often abbreviated as "PC".
Some of the products manufactured by ABC Factory
are PC. Spun Pile, PC. Square Pile, PC. Spun Pole
(Electric Pole), PC. I Girder, PC. Box Girder and
several other products. ABC Factory uses the Make to
Order production method, so it is demanded to produce
orders maximally and as efficiently as possible.
In this manufacturing company, the preparation of
the layout of production facilities greatly affects the
production cycle time which in turn will have a major
effect on the company's production capacity. for that,
the company needs to redesign the layout of the PC
production facility of Spun Pile with the best production
flow. Based on these problems, the method used is to use
the SLP (Systematic Layout Planning) method which
functions to produce a layout design for production
facilities that minimizes material movement distance
and produces a good production flow in ABC Factory.
Based on the results of the study obtained a
reduction in the distance of material flow facility layout
by 72.71 meters and an increase in production capacity
of 138 cigarettes or 13.44% of the initial layout.
Keywords :
Facility Layout Design, Cycle Time, Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)
ABC Factory is one of the companies
engaged in manufacturing precast concrete in
Indonesia. This company was established in 1978 under
the auspices of XYZ Group Since. The products
produced by ABC Factory are Precast Concrete /
Prefabricated Concrete or often abbreviated as "PC".
Some of the products manufactured by ABC Factory
are PC. Spun Pile, PC. Square Pile, PC. Spun Pole
(Electric Pole), PC. I Girder, PC. Box Girder and
several other products. ABC Factory uses the Make to
Order production method, so it is demanded to produce
orders maximally and as efficiently as possible.
In this manufacturing company, the preparation of
the layout of production facilities greatly affects the
production cycle time which in turn will have a major
effect on the company's production capacity. for that,
the company needs to redesign the layout of the PC
production facility of Spun Pile with the best production
flow. Based on these problems, the method used is to use
the SLP (Systematic Layout Planning) method which
functions to produce a layout design for production
facilities that minimizes material movement distance
and produces a good production flow in ABC Factory.
Based on the results of the study obtained a
reduction in the distance of material flow facility layout
by 72.71 meters and an increase in production capacity
of 138 cigarettes or 13.44% of the initial layout.
Keywords :
Facility Layout Design, Cycle Time, Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)