Relationship between Availability and Planning of Facilities in Schools and Students’ Academic Achievement in Senior Secondary Schools in Adamawa State

Authors : Adamu, Mohammed.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : This study investigated the relationship between availability and planning of facilities in schools and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in Adamawa state. The purpose of this study is determine the relationship availability and planning of facilities in school and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in Adamawa state, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted correlational survey design which was carried out by the use of questionnaire tagged “availability and planning of facilities in schools’ questionnaire” (APFSQ) designed by the researcher and pro forma to elicit students’ academic achievement.

Keywords : Availability, Planning And Students’ Academic Achievement.

This study investigated the relationship between availability and planning of facilities in schools and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in Adamawa state. The purpose of this study is determine the relationship availability and planning of facilities in school and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in Adamawa state, two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted correlational survey design which was carried out by the use of questionnaire tagged “availability and planning of facilities in schools’ questionnaire” (APFSQ) designed by the researcher and pro forma to elicit students’ academic achievement.

Keywords : Availability, Planning And Students’ Academic Achievement.

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