Refining the Research Capability of Master Teacher: It’s Challenges and Courses of Action

Authors : Philips P. Bonus

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This study aimed to explore the experiences of public elementary school Master Teachers in Taytayan Integrated School, Davao Oriental Division in the process of developing action research. This study utilized the exploratory case study design with eight participants selected using purposive non-random sampling design. In gathering data, the researcher used a semi-structure interview guide. Ethical considerations were observed in data collection. Thematic content analysis was used to determine the themes from the responses of the participants. Findings showed that additional workload, lack of time, low interest, inadequate knowledge and skills, and writing anxiety are the experiences of master teachers. In developing action research. The courses of action made to address the challenges encountered are establish timetable, strengthen the mentoring program, apply a reward system, and develop action planning skills. The educational management insights drawn based from the findings of the study are enhancement of attitude towards research, intensify the support and motivation, and extensive faculty development program. With this, the Department of Education should develop a comprehensive research capability enhancement program to help the master teachers raise their level of capability. Such program may include not only a series of training focusing not only on increasing the teachers’ knowledge in research but at the same time conducting, presenting, and publishing their research output.

Keywords : Action Research, Experiences, Courses of Action, Educational Management Insights, Master Teachers.

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This study aimed to explore the experiences of public elementary school Master Teachers in Taytayan Integrated School, Davao Oriental Division in the process of developing action research. This study utilized the exploratory case study design with eight participants selected using purposive non-random sampling design. In gathering data, the researcher used a semi-structure interview guide. Ethical considerations were observed in data collection. Thematic content analysis was used to determine the themes from the responses of the participants. Findings showed that additional workload, lack of time, low interest, inadequate knowledge and skills, and writing anxiety are the experiences of master teachers. In developing action research. The courses of action made to address the challenges encountered are establish timetable, strengthen the mentoring program, apply a reward system, and develop action planning skills. The educational management insights drawn based from the findings of the study are enhancement of attitude towards research, intensify the support and motivation, and extensive faculty development program. With this, the Department of Education should develop a comprehensive research capability enhancement program to help the master teachers raise their level of capability. Such program may include not only a series of training focusing not only on increasing the teachers’ knowledge in research but at the same time conducting, presenting, and publishing their research output.

Keywords : Action Research, Experiences, Courses of Action, Educational Management Insights, Master Teachers.

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