Reduce Reject Painting Process Using Six Sigma Method with Dmaic Approach and Experiments on Brake Disc Products (1 Rc Hub) (Case Study in Pt. Xyz)

Authors : Damsiar, Yudi Prastyo, Erry Rimawan.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : Quality is one of the key to winning competition with the market. When the company is able to deliver quality products then it has built one of the basics to create customer satisfaction. Quality does not only have a positive impact on customers, but also for manufacturers as it can enhance their corporate image as well as a company’s sustainability guarantee in the future. Every company needs to be systematically and continuously improving the quality of existing products and processes. Six sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, maintaining, and maximizing the quality of the product produced for the success of the business. Six Sigma methods are often used by companies to control product quality by minimizing the number of defects or disabilities. One tool in implementing six sigma is the DMAIC approach, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. PT XYZ as one of the companies engaged in the manufacture of two-wheeled automotive spare part is certainly paying attention to quality improvement as one of the efforts to enhance the competitiveness and customer satisfaction. This research focuses on enhancing the drawing process especially on the RC-Hub 1 product which is one of the high quality products as it includes export products to Japan. Initially, the painting process of 1 RC Hub was performed in the subconts, but due to quality considerations (Defect 16.8%) and losses arising, eventually after analyzing using six sigma method with DMAIC approach using various tools such as Figure Pareto, map control p, DPMO and sigma level are decided to generate within PT. XYZ. It can be seen that the biggest problem that was raised as the object of the study was the thin depot painting (40.1%), dirty (10.9%.), Lime skin (2.1%), bruntus (1.9%).

Keywords : Six Sigma, DMAIC, Pareto Diagram, p-Chart, FMEA, Experiment.

Quality is one of the key to winning competition with the market. When the company is able to deliver quality products then it has built one of the basics to create customer satisfaction. Quality does not only have a positive impact on customers, but also for manufacturers as it can enhance their corporate image as well as a company’s sustainability guarantee in the future. Every company needs to be systematically and continuously improving the quality of existing products and processes. Six sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, maintaining, and maximizing the quality of the product produced for the success of the business. Six Sigma methods are often used by companies to control product quality by minimizing the number of defects or disabilities. One tool in implementing six sigma is the DMAIC approach, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. PT XYZ as one of the companies engaged in the manufacture of two-wheeled automotive spare part is certainly paying attention to quality improvement as one of the efforts to enhance the competitiveness and customer satisfaction. This research focuses on enhancing the drawing process especially on the RC-Hub 1 product which is one of the high quality products as it includes export products to Japan. Initially, the painting process of 1 RC Hub was performed in the subconts, but due to quality considerations (Defect 16.8%) and losses arising, eventually after analyzing using six sigma method with DMAIC approach using various tools such as Figure Pareto, map control p, DPMO and sigma level are decided to generate within PT. XYZ. It can be seen that the biggest problem that was raised as the object of the study was the thin depot painting (40.1%), dirty (10.9%.), Lime skin (2.1%), bruntus (1.9%).

Keywords : Six Sigma, DMAIC, Pareto Diagram, p-Chart, FMEA, Experiment.

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