Authors :
Vinaya Kumar S R, Geetha Kumari T M, Harshadha M, Meghana R
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
As the monsoon kicks in, brings the hope to the
farmers for good yield, where as darker side of it can be
disastrous, FLOODS. They have adverse effect both
economically and socially across globe while some artificial
measures are been taken to overcome one of them like
dams, How long do they could prevent? Here is our help to
the society, where in by using the technology the social life
could be saved. Our design of the project mainly
concentrates on supervising characteristics like level of
water, humidity, temperature and rainfall. These
parameter help vitally in flood forecasting.
As the parameters are aggregatted and are collected
by using from the controller and it sends the message over
the internet. This affects the locals. After flood, also there
is drastic effect, the victams can be detected by image
processing are immersed. For the greater precision
purpose ANN is used and further the information is passed
to the rescue team near by via IOT. Along with this digital
image processing technique is implemented to save life of
victims. Our project mainly focuses on the flood
forecasting and detecting the victams using IOT and
Artificial neural network.
Keywords :
Floods, Artificial Neural Network, Internet of Things, Digital Image Processing
As the monsoon kicks in, brings the hope to the
farmers for good yield, where as darker side of it can be
disastrous, FLOODS. They have adverse effect both
economically and socially across globe while some artificial
measures are been taken to overcome one of them like
dams, How long do they could prevent? Here is our help to
the society, where in by using the technology the social life
could be saved. Our design of the project mainly
concentrates on supervising characteristics like level of
water, humidity, temperature and rainfall. These
parameter help vitally in flood forecasting.
As the parameters are aggregatted and are collected
by using from the controller and it sends the message over
the internet. This affects the locals. After flood, also there
is drastic effect, the victams can be detected by image
processing are immersed. For the greater precision
purpose ANN is used and further the information is passed
to the rescue team near by via IOT. Along with this digital
image processing technique is implemented to save life of
victims. Our project mainly focuses on the flood
forecasting and detecting the victams using IOT and
Artificial neural network.
Keywords :
Floods, Artificial Neural Network, Internet of Things, Digital Image Processing