Authors :
Ruchika Bankar; Rutuja Gaikwad; Prajakta Bhapkar; Kanchan Barule
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Human vision is, without a doubt, the most
crucial sense. As a result, visual information is frequently
used to guide our behaviour and thinking. When
attempting to conduct complex information, particularly
in scenarios involving humans, it is quite helpful if some
information can be gleaned from photos. Computer vision
has now advanced to the point where a computer can
recognise its owner using a simple image processing
method Image processing and computer vision are two
fields related to one other. This project makes use of the
OpenCV library. It's also compatible with the Python
programming language. The library contains both simple
and complicated image processing techniques. Face
detection is one of them, and it can be done in Python
using the OpenCV library. In this case, computer vision
is used. Hand gestures will be used to generate an optical
mouse and keyboard. The camera on the computer will
scan the area. The mouse or pointer will move in reaction
to the various movements made by a person's hand. Many
people are becoming incapacitated as a result of hand and
other infirmities, making it impossible for them to use a
keyboard or mouse. So, for impaired people, we
considered vision, which may be used to manage a
computer using a mouse and keyboard.
Keywords :
Eyes Gesture Control System ; Mouse Cursor; Eye Tracking Systems; Webcam; Eye Mouse; Webcam; Eye Movement, Harr-Cascade Algorithm
Human vision is, without a doubt, the most
crucial sense. As a result, visual information is frequently
used to guide our behaviour and thinking. When
attempting to conduct complex information, particularly
in scenarios involving humans, it is quite helpful if some
information can be gleaned from photos. Computer vision
has now advanced to the point where a computer can
recognise its owner using a simple image processing
method Image processing and computer vision are two
fields related to one other. This project makes use of the
OpenCV library. It's also compatible with the Python
programming language. The library contains both simple
and complicated image processing techniques. Face
detection is one of them, and it can be done in Python
using the OpenCV library. In this case, computer vision
is used. Hand gestures will be used to generate an optical
mouse and keyboard. The camera on the computer will
scan the area. The mouse or pointer will move in reaction
to the various movements made by a person's hand. Many
people are becoming incapacitated as a result of hand and
other infirmities, making it impossible for them to use a
keyboard or mouse. So, for impaired people, we
considered vision, which may be used to manage a
computer using a mouse and keyboard.
Keywords :
Eyes Gesture Control System ; Mouse Cursor; Eye Tracking Systems; Webcam; Eye Mouse; Webcam; Eye Movement, Harr-Cascade Algorithm